
The tools below allow you to convert between data formats. These tools are fully offline and do not require an internet connection. This means none of your data is sent over the wire.

Evernote → Standard Notes

Choose an Evernote ENEX file to convert to the Standard Notes format.

How to export from Evernote →

Note 1: If you have a lot of notes, you should break your import files down into 250MB segments. Any ENEX file larger than 250MB will likely have problems converting due to the limited resources available in your browser.

Note 2: File attachments will not be transferred over.

Plaintext → Standard Notes

Use this tool to convert multiple plaintext files, including Markdown .md files, to a Standard Notes import format.

Aegis → Standard Notes

Use this tool to convert a decrypted Aegis backup file to Authenticator json, in a Standard Notes import format. (NOTE: You'll have to manually change the editor to Authenticator)

Google Keep → Standard Notes

Use this tool to convert your Google Keep archive into a Standard Notes import format. When choosing files below, choose all files inside the Keep folder of your Takeout archive.

Import Instructions

Once you've downloaded the converted file, you can import it into any of the Standard Notes applications.

  • On the desktop or web application, click on the Quick Settings menu icon in the bottom left corner. Select Open Preferences, then select Backups on the left hand side, and go to the Data Backups section. Choose Import Backup and navigate to the converted file on your device.
  • On the mobile application, tap on the top left hamburger menu icon, then the gear icon on the side menu. Once you're in the Settings menu, tap on Import Data and select the converted file on your device.