Can I subscribe to a paid plan with a self-hosted server?

Standard Notes paid plans are 100% compatible with a self-hosted server. The purchase process differs slightly for self-hosters. We call offline and self-hosted subscriptions "offline subscriptions."

Offline subscriptions are marked at a steep discount from their hosted counterparts. This allows us to invest more time and resources in making sure the self-hosting setup is as easy and user friendly as possible, and keeps our incentives aligned with yours.

To purchase an offline subscription for your self-hosted server:

  1. Open
  2. Complete the purchase process to receive an offline features code via email
  3. Once you receive the code, open the Standard Notes web or desktop app, then open Preferences > General > Offline activation
  4. Paste in the code in the Activate Offline Subscription section
  5. Activate a server-side subscription on your self-hosted server

That's it! Your paid features will now be automatically reflected in the application.

If you have a normal account-based subscription but you'd like to convert it to an offline subscription, please contact support.

Other ways to get help

Browse or post to the forum
Recommended for non-account related issues.
Join the Standard Notes Discord group
Recommended for small talk.
Send an email to [email protected]
Recommended for account related issues.