Standard Notes
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Help center
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Privacy & Longevity
Who can read my private notes?
Has Standard Notes completed a third-party security audit?
How does Standard Notes secure my notes?
How does Standard Notes encrypt data on my device?
What country is Standard Notes located in?
What happens to my data if Standard Notes disappears?
What services does Standard Notes use for daily operation?
Is the Standard Notes source code public?
What information does Standard Notes collect about me?
Can I store passwords in Standard Notes?
What is private username mode?
I've forgotten my password. What should I do?
How can I change my account email?
How do I delete my account?
How do I change my account password?
Why can I not sign in, even though my email and password are correct?
Why am I asked for 2FA, even though I don't have it enabled?
Is Standard Notes a good Evernote alternative?
How do I attach encrypted files to my notes?
Can I collaborate with others on a note?
Can I use Standard Notes totally offline?
How can I import my notes from Evernote?
How can I import my notes from Simplenote?
How can I import my notes from Apple Notes?
How can I import my notes from Google Keep?
How can I import notes from a bunch of text files?
How can I contribute to Standard Notes?
How can I donate to Standard Notes?
What are note types and editors?
How do I create and import backups of my Standard Notes data?
How do I delete a note?
How do I delete a tag?
How do I share a private note?
How do I use Markdown in my notes?
How do I clear duplicates?
How do I enable spellcheck?
How do I print a note?
How do I make an editor my default editor?
How do I search inside a note?
How do I add images to my notes?
How do I uninstall Standard Notes?
How do I view a list of untagged notes (and create other dynamic filters)?
How do I link multiple notes together to create a sort of personal wiki?
What does it mean to lock or protect a note?
How can I optimize the performance of Standard Notes?
Can I sign into multiple accounts at the same time?
Can I create a link to another note?
How do I install third party plugins?
How do I clip web pages and articles?
Subscription Account
How do I manage/modify my subscription?
What happens to my data when my subscription expires?
How do I add more time to my subscription?
My subscription features appear as expired, even though my subscription is still valid.
What is the refund policy on Standard Notes?
What is Standard Notes' sale policy?
How can I get an invoice for my purchase?
Is there a free trial available?
Does Standard Notes offer a student discount?
Does Standard Notes offer a lifetime subscription?
What if I can't afford the price of a paid plan?
What is Premium Support?
How can I share my subscription with another account?
What happens after a shared subscription is canceled?
Two-factor Authentication
How do I enable two-factor authentication for my account?
Where should I store my two-factor authentication secret key?
What happens if I lose my 2FA device and my secret key?
How do I protect my account with a hardware security key?
Note History & Backups
How do I enable note version history?
How do I enable Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive backups?
How do I enable daily email backups?
Can I self-host Standard Notes?
Can I subscribe to a paid plan with a self-hosted server?
Getting started with self-hosting
Self-hosting with Docker
Self-hosting Web App with Docker
Self-hosting configuration options
Securing HTTP traffic of your server
Updating your self-hosted infrastructure
File uploads on your self-hosted server
Subscriptions on your self-hosted server
Self-hosting Standard Notes on your Synology NAS
Migrating from the legacy infrastructure to the new V2 self-hosted setup
Standard Notes encryption whitepaper
Creating a Blog From Your Notes with Listed and Standard Notes
How do I register for a Listed blog?
How do I publish articles to Listed?
How do I manage my blog settings?
How do I email my subscribers about new articles and updates?
What is my Listed guestbook?
How do I change the colors, fonts, and general layout of my Listed blog?
How do I specify a custom date for a post, or set the canonical URL?
How do I hide a story from my main feed?
How do I add separate pages to my blog?
Introduction to plugins
Building a theme plugin
Running a plugin locally
Publishing your plugin
Privacy & Longevity
Who can read my private notes?
Has Standard Notes completed a third-party security audit?
How does Standard Notes secure my notes?
How does Standard Notes encrypt data on my device?
What country is Standard Notes located in?
What happens to my data if Standard Notes disappears?
What services does Standard Notes use for daily operation?
Is the Standard Notes source code public?
What information does Standard Notes collect about me?
Can I store passwords in Standard Notes?
What is private username mode?
I've forgotten my password. What should I do?
How can I change my account email?
How do I delete my account?
How do I change my account password?
Why can I not sign in, even though my email and password are correct?
Why am I asked for 2FA, even though I don't have it enabled?
Is Standard Notes a good Evernote alternative?
How do I attach encrypted files to my notes?
Can I collaborate with others on a note?
Can I use Standard Notes totally offline?
How can I import my notes from Evernote?
How can I import my notes from Simplenote?
How can I import my notes from Apple Notes?
How can I import my notes from Google Keep?
How can I import notes from a bunch of text files?
How can I contribute to Standard Notes?
How can I donate to Standard Notes?
What are note types and editors?
How do I create and import backups of my Standard Notes data?
How do I delete a note?
How do I delete a tag?
How do I share a private note?
How do I use Markdown in my notes?
How do I clear duplicates?
How do I enable spellcheck?
How do I print a note?
How do I make an editor my default editor?
How do I search inside a note?
How do I add images to my notes?
How do I uninstall Standard Notes?
How do I view a list of untagged notes (and create other dynamic filters)?
How do I link multiple notes together to create a sort of personal wiki?
What does it mean to lock or protect a note?
How can I optimize the performance of Standard Notes?
Can I sign into multiple accounts at the same time?
Can I create a link to another note?
How do I install third party plugins?
How do I clip web pages and articles?
Subscription Account
How do I manage/modify my subscription?
What happens to my data when my subscription expires?
How do I add more time to my subscription?
My subscription features appear as expired, even though my subscription is still valid.
What is the refund policy on Standard Notes?
What is Standard Notes' sale policy?
How can I get an invoice for my purchase?
Is there a free trial available?
Does Standard Notes offer a student discount?
Does Standard Notes offer a lifetime subscription?
What if I can't afford the price of a paid plan?
What is Premium Support?
How can I share my subscription with another account?
What happens after a shared subscription is canceled?
Two-factor Authentication
How do I enable two-factor authentication for my account?
Where should I store my two-factor authentication secret key?
What happens if I lose my 2FA device and my secret key?
How do I protect my account with a hardware security key?
Note History & Backups
How do I enable note version history?
How do I enable Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive backups?
How do I enable daily email backups?
Can I self-host Standard Notes?
Can I subscribe to a paid plan with a self-hosted server?
Getting started with self-hosting
Self-hosting with Docker
Self-hosting Web App with Docker
Self-hosting configuration options
Securing HTTP traffic of your server
Updating your self-hosted infrastructure
File uploads on your self-hosted server
Subscriptions on your self-hosted server
Self-hosting Standard Notes on your Synology NAS
Migrating from the legacy infrastructure to the new V2 self-hosted setup
Standard Notes encryption whitepaper
Creating a Blog From Your Notes with Listed and Standard Notes
How do I register for a Listed blog?
How do I publish articles to Listed?
How do I manage my blog settings?
How do I email my subscribers about new articles and updates?
What is my Listed guestbook?
How do I change the colors, fonts, and general layout of my Listed blog?
How do I specify a custom date for a post, or set the canonical URL?
How do I hide a story from my main feed?
How do I add separate pages to my blog?
Introduction to plugins
Building a theme plugin
Running a plugin locally
Publishing your plugin
Other ways to get help
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For general questions, or if you'd like to just say hello, please email us at
For encrypted email support, email us at our ProtonMail address
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If you'd like to make a security disclosure, please email